When you dismiss the follower later, they will return to that marker and try to interact with stuff in the area. The marker will be moved to your current position. Tell your follower that "this place is your new home". Selecting it will register the NPC to this mod, and will assign an invisible marker to him.
When you talk to your current follower, there will be a new dialogue topic near the end of the topic list, "Let's talk about home". If you cannot see the new dialogue, save your game and load your game. Requires at least Skyrim v1.8! Does NOT require any DLC nor SKSE (unless you want support for Dragonborn, see below). Go to Data/Scripts and delete vvvMarkHome*.pex. NOTE FOR UPDATERS: Please make sure that all loose script files from previous installations are removed. Compatible with Ultimate Follower Overhaul, Amazing Follower Tweaks, Simple Multiple Followers, Spouses Can Live Everywhere and Extensible Follower Framework. You can fast-travel to any follower's home if you talk to them while they are following. The assigned area can be anywhere, they will change locations to reach it. You can assign guard/sleep/work areas for up to 60 followers. They will wander around, eat, sleep, use furniture and tools.
The new home can be any place, including custom player homes. Dismissed followers will return to their new home.
You can give each of your followers their own home. NOTE: versions below 0.8 do not work with Skyrim v1.8 and later! Traduzione italiano di Siegfriedm (0.8): Traducción al castellano de Gardion (v1.1): Tradução para o português brasileiro de metal33br (v1.1) em Optional Files. Traduction française par Valkyr47 (1.21): ĭeutsche Uebersetzungen von Deigradius (v1.2) und WileCoyote68 (v1.1) zu finden unter Optional Files. Traditional chinese translation by c821118 (1.21):