I also added vertex blending to this wrapper, built it on my own system, and ran it.

You'd need a python and C compiler system, along with a 3dblend\render app like maya, to make extreme edits with any accuracy (although some can be done to the text of the pyc files themselves as long as they are small edits, and they only work in quick battle without BCsupermod which of course is a separate variant and requires a completey separate installation of the game). They systems editor is great (for adding weapons systems etc to a ship file), and bcut is functional to an extent. Alsa is best sound that is non-system native for me, oss is okay, but native sound is best if you match that, for mac is core audio.

I also put in the python interpreters and filetype descriptor dlls from wine tricks, vbrun6, wsh5.6 for c and then for J, and wsh-host 5.7, common controls (both files), d3d9, fonts, and set renderer to opengl. net 3.5, so it is pretty flawless even with editors, though some of the renderers are still buggy for many things, even if they allow small edits. net should start with 1.1 then install each until you get to your highest installable (you may need to restart your machine once or twice, as the caching can prove buggy) I was up to. Higher wine engines than 1.4.1 do not show the models correctly, and with XQuartz, you need to either set this as a custom exe in wineskin with overridden graphics set to current resolution, turn of window decorations, and set latest wineskin to se system based XQuartz (download it from their open source site for 10.7 lion) or you need to have those graphics settings for the main app (which I point to Nothing.exe in wineskin so it opens the app settings dialogues). I have been dying to try the BC Supermod version, but so far Kobayashi Maru is the only one tested and, from what I've seen, is functional even on a 256mb card like mine. You need 512mb or higher for high graphics settings, but medium works with a crash every few hours Everything with a few quirks relating to memory hungry graphics